Well that Gig Sucked
Actually only I sucked. Last night really taught me a lesson. Mainly, never try to play a gig if you don't really know how to play the songs. The first half of the show we played Jon's stuff and I had no clue how any of it went. Sure, I'd been to a 2 hour practice earlier in the week where I mastered it, but then I never had a chance to practice the stuff again...and I forgot it all.
Jon even made cheat sheets and I fucked it all up...HOWEVER, and I'm not shifting blame here - I mean, if this was the Maury Povitch show and we were revealing the results of a DNA test I would indeed, by 99.9% accuracy, be the baby's daddy of suck - two of my songs were marked wrong...essentially one song that did not need a capo said it did, and one song that did need a capo said it didn't. But, even when Jon told me on stage "Dude, this song has a capo!" and I put the capo on...I still had no goddamn idea what to play. I may as well have been trying to fart Carmina Burana into a kazoo.
Finally, after playing Jon's songs that I didn't know for what seemed like 15 hours we got to the last half of the set, which was all old school Plow Monday stuff. YES! Something I know how to play!! Nope. Even as I write this I'm trying to remember the chords to the chorus of "Joke" and I have no idea what they are.
Well, if there's one thing I've learned from this debacle it's this: Practice makes perfect, unless you only practice once for 2 hours...in that case, practice makes suck.
Thank God everyone else in the band is a complete badass! And at least I had a cool hat on.