I spend a lot of time on the internet for both work and play. Here's a list of some of the cool net freebies I use to make surfing and working a much smoother ride:
meebo.com - Meebo.com is a handy online utility that allows you to automatically sign into all of your IM clients at once and then IM through all of them via the meebo.com interface. This is great because you don't have to download and install every damn IM client out there and then have them all choking your computer on start up. Plus, it allows you to IM from anywhere, whether the IM clients are installed on the machine or not.
iloggo.com - This thing is the shit. I just discovered this one over the weekend and I dig the hell out of it. Basically, it allows you to ceate a homebase of links to all of the websites you visit most. I used to do this "by hand" by creating a hidden page on one of my websites with simple text links to all of the fun and work related sites I visit. Iloggo.com takes this a step further. You go to a website that you want a link to in your homebase and Iloggo.com not only lets you add the link, but it lets you crop the logo out of a screenshot of the site. Awesome!
statcounter.com - A free and very lightweight tool for tracking traffic to your websites. Very simple to install and gives very good and detailed stats.
findsounds.com - I like to do a little home recording when I have the time, and this site is invaluable for finding sound effects and, even better, tons and tons of great drum samples.
dynamicdrive.com - A bunch of free to use scripts for enhancing your website. Great for designers and developers who don't really know jack shit about javascript but want to be able to implement drop down menus or other slick dynamic effects.
addthis.com - Great for bloggers. Addthis.com generates a button for your bog that lets your readers easily bookmark your articles to all the most popular social bookmarking sites. Check it out at the end of this artcile, in fact.
pingomatic.com - Pingomatic.com lets you automatically ping several blogging search engines when your site has been updated. I use pingomatic.com every time I update this blog.