Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hey, Dick!

How is the name Dick short for Richard? How did this happen? The first Richard to do this must of really hated himself. "Hi, my name is Richard...but just call me Dick." Poor guy. Must have been manic depressive or something. That would be like me saying "Hi, my name is Clif...but just call me Filthy Asshole."

My name has always caused me a little trouble. It's Clif with one f. Why just one? Because it's short for Clifton, which only has one f. Of course, people always assume it's short for Clifford, which has two f's, so everyone spells it Cliff. It's still better than Dick, though.

"My name is Richard."
"Could you spell that, please?"
"Don't be so fucking hard on yourself, man!"

When I was in middle school my buddies and I had disgusting nicknames for each other based off of our real names:

Clifton Haley - Queefing Hardly
Bill Duncan - Bowel Dumping
Asa Nolen - A-suck Nutsack

Real creative stuff, you know.