Too cold to hold, too hot not to burn ya.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Тhе Моst Reliable Online Guitar Lessons Reviewed
Learning Guitar wаs nеvеr thіs easy аnd interesting untіl thе online guitar courses саmе іntо existence. Тhоugh уоu mау find thousands оf online guitar lessons thаt promises tо transform уоu іntо а Guitar Virtuoso, уоu will bе disappointed tо find оut truth оnlу аftеr joining оnе оf thеm. Ѕіnсе І hаd gоnе thrоugh а bad experience mуsеlf І thought оf sharing thіs knowledge аbоut 2 оf thе mоst genuine, reliable аnd аt thе sаmе time vеrу affordable online guitar lessons thаt саn teach уоu еvеrуthіng frоm reading guitar tabs tо advanced level techniques. І must emphasize thаt, Іt іs highly essential tо knоw hоw tо read аnd write Guitar Tabs аnd Notations tо bесоmе а full-fledged musician аnd guitarist.
Here І will bе gіvіng уоu аn insight аbоut thеsе guitar courses,
* JamPlay
* Guitar Tricks
Why shоuld уоu join JamPlay?
JamPlay offers а highly comprehensive set оf free guitar lessons thаt will jump-start уоur guitar learning exercise аnd аlsо gіvе уоu а fіrst hand info аbоut hоw thе actual Guitar Lessons wоuld bе. JamPlay offers complete guitar lessons fоr beginners, Intermediate аnd advanced skill level players taught wіth thе help оf High Definition Fast Streaming Videos, thаt аrе аvаіlаblе іn 3 dіffеrеnt video formats tо suit dіffеrеnt Internet speeds. Тhеу offer comprehensive guitar lessons оn hоw tо read guitar tabs, notations tо advanced level techniques lіkе Hammer-ons, Tapping, dіffеrеnt strumming patterns аnd оthеr interesting techniques. Yоu will bе learning frоm а pool оf оvеr 35 expert tutors hаvіng professional expertise іn vаrіоus genres аnd styles. Аnd аlsо уоu will bе раrt оf а vеrу active support forum whеrе уоu саn discuss уоur doubts аnd queries wіth уоur instructors.
The main highlights оf JamPlay are,
FREE Video Guitar Lessons divided іntо Beginner Acoustic аnd Electric Lessons аnd special Kids Acoustic Guitar Lessons & аlsо уоu gеt Popular Songs Lessons.
Apart frоm 372+ Hrs оf Guitar Lessons including 200 Song Lessons аnd 12+ hrs оf LIVE web cam Lessons frоm 35 Instructors thе members gеt access tо аll thе lessons іn JamPlay database frоm еvеrу instructor.
But JamPlay dоеsn't hаvе а dоwn loadable version оf thеіr course. Yоu must hаvе а high speed Broadband connectivity tо access thеіr video lessons, whісh іs а disadvantage thаt І felt. Вut іf уоu exclude thаt раrt, уоu саn gеt access tо extremely good lessons matching аll skill levels аt JamPlay.
You саn join JamPlay wіth а monthly subscription оf $19.95 whісh соmеs wіth 7 days money bасk warranty.
Guitar Tricks
Guitar Tricks wаs started іn 1998 аnd іs nоw оnе оf thе oldest online guitar courses аrоund. Тhеу offer оvеr 45 highly professional guitar tutors training уоu оn dіffеrеnt genres аnd styles оf guitar playing. Guitar Tricks lessons hаvе passed thе test оf time аnd proved tо bе thе mоst effective, efficient аnd reliable guitar instruction suiting beginner, intermediate аnd advanced level guitarists alike. Тhеіr guitar lessons аrе pretty easy tо learn, highly structured аnd аrе іn thе form оf fast streaming videos thаt аrе vеrу interesting tо learn аnd аt thе sаmе time highly exhaustive аnd comprehensive.
Guitar Tricks' Free Guitar Lessons Series
Guitar Tricks offers уоu 24 absolutely free guitar lessons taught tо уоu bу 12 highly professional guitar tutors wіth thе help оf fast streaming video, audio, tutorials аnd sheet music whісh іs раrt оf thеіr Basic Membership, thаt іs mоrе thаn еnоugh tо gеt а feel оf whаt уоu will bе learning іn thеіr Full Access Subscription Membership lessons. Guitar Tricks offers оvеr 1500 lessons, 45 highly professional instructors, usеful learning tools аnd resources аnd аn excellent online support forum іn thеіr Full Access Subscription membership thаt соmеs аt $14.95/Month аnd 60 days unconditional money bасk warranty.
So іf уоu аrе lооkіng оut tо master thіs thіs wonderful instrument thеn thеrе іs nо nееd tо lооk bеуоnd JamPlay аnd Guitar Tricks.
guitar tricks,
learn guitar,
online guitar lessons
Monday, January 23, 2012
Online Beat Maker
Well, I have a new toy. Luckily this one didn't cost too much, which is nuts because a shit load of fun. If I had made this thing I'd charge a ton for it! What is this wonderful bit of wonderment? It is an online beat maker!
I'm a musician, so I'm constantly thinking in terms of music and coming up with new musical ideas. Unfortunately I have a few things working against me:
1) I'm a guitarist and I can't very will lug a guitar all over the place with me, and
2) I also can't lug my home studio around with me which is what I us to create all non-guitar music
Until I found this little program Sonic Producer. Sonic producer is an online beat maker. Yes, it exists completely online. This means I can access it from anywhere I have an internet connection!
For those of you who don't know, a beat maker is basically a music sequencer. I can plot out drum beats and other musical parts using a bunch of different instruments and high quality music samples. THEN I can even export the whole thing in MP3 format to use in my other music production programs!
I'm a musician, so I'm constantly thinking in terms of music and coming up with new musical ideas. Unfortunately I have a few things working against me:
1) I'm a guitarist and I can't very will lug a guitar all over the place with me, and
2) I also can't lug my home studio around with me which is what I us to create all non-guitar music
Until I found this little program Sonic Producer. Sonic producer is an online beat maker. Yes, it exists completely online. This means I can access it from anywhere I have an internet connection!
For those of you who don't know, a beat maker is basically a music sequencer. I can plot out drum beats and other musical parts using a bunch of different instruments and high quality music samples. THEN I can even export the whole thing in MP3 format to use in my other music production programs!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Be Back Soon
Hey dear readers. Sorry I've been non-existent lately, but I've been putting a lot of time into my other blog over at MovieBlast! trying to get its traffic up. I finally got everything optimized and working well and now am going to turn my attention back to this here blog. I plan to integrate the WL blog into the actual WL site by way of a WordPress instead of having it hosted here off-site with Blogger.
Happy new year!
Happy new year!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Here's Why John Mayer is Cool
Honestly, I can't name for you a single John Mayer song. I *might* recognize a melody if I heard it, but since I don't listen to music radio...I might not. But I do surf YouTube and I've seen a bunch of this dude rippin' some goddamn blues! This makes him a musical role model for the kids as far as I'm concerned. Here's him doing "Out of My Mind":
eric clapton,
jimi hendrix,
john mayer,
stevie ray vaughan
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Stupid Cheap Graphic Design Stuff
Because I'm generally always broke, I tend to sniff out super good deals wherever I can. Whether it's musical gear, web design software, etc., I always try to find - if not something totally free - then something that is so cheap that NOT buying it will make me feel guilty.
Anyway, here I found a website that offers a few eBooks, graphics tools and web scripts for stupid cheap...each one is under $15 and most are just $7. Most of the stuff is geared toward the eCommerce / Affiliate sales market, but I'm into this and figure a lot of you kids are too, so here's the link:
Cheap graphics stuff!
This site also a ton of other cheap products geared toward many other interests, so here's a link directly to the home page as well:
$7 Dollar Offers
I've already downloaded a couple a few days ago; one from the graphics area and one from the music category. Maybe I'll write up a review once I get a chance to check them out. Then again, maybe not...I'm kinda lazy and unreliable like that sometimes...haha.
Anyway, here I found a website that offers a few eBooks, graphics tools and web scripts for stupid cheap...each one is under $15 and most are just $7. Most of the stuff is geared toward the eCommerce / Affiliate sales market, but I'm into this and figure a lot of you kids are too, so here's the link:
Cheap graphics stuff!
This site also a ton of other cheap products geared toward many other interests, so here's a link directly to the home page as well:
$7 Dollar Offers
I've already downloaded a couple a few days ago; one from the graphics area and one from the music category. Maybe I'll write up a review once I get a chance to check them out. Then again, maybe not...I'm kinda lazy and unreliable like that sometimes...haha.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Fake Diary of Clif Haley
The wife and I were going through a bunch of old papers that were boxed up in the garage last weekend so we could shred all the personal account stuff and then toss the shit out. I did manage to find a few interesting bits of writing I'd done a few years ago. What follows are totally fake diary entries I came up with for my own amusement...the dates are fabricated, I think it was all written on the same day around 2003...
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - June 16, 1998
The itch is getting really, really bad now but I'm too embarrassed to go to the doctor! I will DEFINITELY wash the next pair of underwear I buy from a guy on the street! I guess I've learned a few things, though. Namely, A) 'Fruit of the LOAM' is NOT a major brand, B) if a pair of underwear appear to be made out of attic insulation then they probably are, C) if the phrase "please send help America, I am twelve and supporting a family of nineteen on 52 cents a day and am not making enough money to buy dogs for food" is stitched into the waistband, I should probably ask for a discount, D) most legitimate underwear dealers do not also specialize in Three Card Monte, E) when you open a brand new three pack of underwear the only things in the pack should be underwear and NOT toenail clippings, band-aids, spent bullet casings, chewing gum, or fishhooks. Oh well, I gotta go. I just heard about this guy who sells what I'm told is "the best sushi in town" out of his van. I'll let you know!
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - October 9, 1999
God I hate Ryan! The first thing I'm going to do when the band makes it big is kill him. I'm sooooo sick of the way he looks at me and transmits via telepathic rays "You're just a big ol' baby! Baby wanna go poo, poo? Baby wanna ride the magic Wheelbarrow of Happiness to The Land of Happy Happy Bouncy Shiny Things? Baby wanna DIE!" He acts like he's not doing it, but I know he is. I mean, when I see him he's all "Hey dude, what's up?" but his eyes are saying "Hey you big fat baby, where's your big fat pacifier, dumbhead?!" I don't know...maybe it's just me.
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - February 2, 2000
I checked out this great band last night called WarehouseLarry. They sounded like a rocket powered freight train full of Black Sabbath crashing into a nuclear power plant at the speed of light. Awesome show. If I ever start another band I'm going to call it WarehouseHarry, and we're going to play songs that sound exactly like WarehouseLarry's but have different words that say pretty much the same thing. for instance: WarehouseLARRY has a song called "I Love You Baby" but WarehouseHARRY will have a song called "You Know, I Really Like You a Lot, I Mean, No, Really I Do, It's Just That I'm in a Really Weird Place Right Now (Hey, Where You Going?)" I think that would be cool. Something else I think would be cool are shoes that look like feet. Or maybe just tiny, individual shoes for each toe. Damn, those are both pretty cool.
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - April 15, 2000
Well, it's official: I like corn. It's taken me years to do it, but I can honestly say now that I like corn. Corn on the cob. Creamed corn. Whole kernel corn. I don't know why I didn't like corn for so long. It's sort of sad, really. All those years I've missed enjoying corn. I'll never get those years back. And to think there are people out there, lost people, who STILL don't like corn! Maybe I'll rent a corn shaped suit and hand out pamphlets praising the glory of corn tomorrow. Nah, I think I'll just sit home, watch some TV, and partake in a little bit of corn eatin'!
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - January 7, 2001
I've been trying to write poetry lately, but I just can't seem to do it. I'm too happy and content with life. The only things I can seem to write are Hallmark cards or inspirational posters for first grade special ed classrooms. You know, stuff like "Roses are Red, violets are Blue, I know you love me, and I love you too!" or "Being retarded ain't so bad. At least you're not blind!" I'm sure that kind of stuff could make me a hell of a lot of money, but it wouldn't really fill me up inside. Good poetry only comes from the tragedies in life, and I currently have none. Oh well, I better get Dad to the hospital for his chemo. Later!
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - March 25, 2001
I met this great girl at the strip club the other night. She's just like mom except for the stripping and the cocaine and bi-sexuality and the piercings and the mustache and the "big time debt" from the "operation" that she won't tell me about. she gave me her phone number for ten bucks (what a flirt!), but I must have written it down wrong, because every time I call it I get Fong Wu's Chinese Bistro. We really hit it off, though. She sat on my lap and asked me what my hobbies were and (get ready for this!) she ALSO likes building ships in bottles and covering them with rare, misprinted stamps from countries that no longer exist! I mean, what are the odds of that?! I bought her a ring today. Nothing fancy, just a two karat diamond set in a platinum band. Guess that whole "higher education" thing is going to have to wait a little bit! Ah, love. It's a wonderful think.
There you have it...I hope that didn't take up too much of your time.
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - June 16, 1998
The itch is getting really, really bad now but I'm too embarrassed to go to the doctor! I will DEFINITELY wash the next pair of underwear I buy from a guy on the street! I guess I've learned a few things, though. Namely, A) 'Fruit of the LOAM' is NOT a major brand, B) if a pair of underwear appear to be made out of attic insulation then they probably are, C) if the phrase "please send help America, I am twelve and supporting a family of nineteen on 52 cents a day and am not making enough money to buy dogs for food" is stitched into the waistband, I should probably ask for a discount, D) most legitimate underwear dealers do not also specialize in Three Card Monte, E) when you open a brand new three pack of underwear the only things in the pack should be underwear and NOT toenail clippings, band-aids, spent bullet casings, chewing gum, or fishhooks. Oh well, I gotta go. I just heard about this guy who sells what I'm told is "the best sushi in town" out of his van. I'll let you know!
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - October 9, 1999
God I hate Ryan! The first thing I'm going to do when the band makes it big is kill him. I'm sooooo sick of the way he looks at me and transmits via telepathic rays "You're just a big ol' baby! Baby wanna go poo, poo? Baby wanna ride the magic Wheelbarrow of Happiness to The Land of Happy Happy Bouncy Shiny Things? Baby wanna DIE!" He acts like he's not doing it, but I know he is. I mean, when I see him he's all "Hey dude, what's up?" but his eyes are saying "Hey you big fat baby, where's your big fat pacifier, dumbhead?!" I don't know...maybe it's just me.
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - February 2, 2000
I checked out this great band last night called WarehouseLarry. They sounded like a rocket powered freight train full of Black Sabbath crashing into a nuclear power plant at the speed of light. Awesome show. If I ever start another band I'm going to call it WarehouseHarry, and we're going to play songs that sound exactly like WarehouseLarry's but have different words that say pretty much the same thing. for instance: WarehouseLARRY has a song called "I Love You Baby" but WarehouseHARRY will have a song called "You Know, I Really Like You a Lot, I Mean, No, Really I Do, It's Just That I'm in a Really Weird Place Right Now (Hey, Where You Going?)" I think that would be cool. Something else I think would be cool are shoes that look like feet. Or maybe just tiny, individual shoes for each toe. Damn, those are both pretty cool.
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - April 15, 2000
Well, it's official: I like corn. It's taken me years to do it, but I can honestly say now that I like corn. Corn on the cob. Creamed corn. Whole kernel corn. I don't know why I didn't like corn for so long. It's sort of sad, really. All those years I've missed enjoying corn. I'll never get those years back. And to think there are people out there, lost people, who STILL don't like corn! Maybe I'll rent a corn shaped suit and hand out pamphlets praising the glory of corn tomorrow. Nah, I think I'll just sit home, watch some TV, and partake in a little bit of corn eatin'!
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - January 7, 2001
I've been trying to write poetry lately, but I just can't seem to do it. I'm too happy and content with life. The only things I can seem to write are Hallmark cards or inspirational posters for first grade special ed classrooms. You know, stuff like "Roses are Red, violets are Blue, I know you love me, and I love you too!" or "Being retarded ain't so bad. At least you're not blind!" I'm sure that kind of stuff could make me a hell of a lot of money, but it wouldn't really fill me up inside. Good poetry only comes from the tragedies in life, and I currently have none. Oh well, I better get Dad to the hospital for his chemo. Later!
The Daily Journal of Clifton Michael Haley Esq. - March 25, 2001
I met this great girl at the strip club the other night. She's just like mom except for the stripping and the cocaine and bi-sexuality and the piercings and the mustache and the "big time debt" from the "operation" that she won't tell me about. she gave me her phone number for ten bucks (what a flirt!), but I must have written it down wrong, because every time I call it I get Fong Wu's Chinese Bistro. We really hit it off, though. She sat on my lap and asked me what my hobbies were and (get ready for this!) she ALSO likes building ships in bottles and covering them with rare, misprinted stamps from countries that no longer exist! I mean, what are the odds of that?! I bought her a ring today. Nothing fancy, just a two karat diamond set in a platinum band. Guess that whole "higher education" thing is going to have to wait a little bit! Ah, love. It's a wonderful think.
There you have it...I hope that didn't take up too much of your time.
black sabbath,
plow monday ryan holley
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My Dog Wears a Diaper

I get a lot of emails from people who visit my online t-shirt shop asking me about the dog in a diaper design, especially since the image is also prominently dispalayed on the website's banner. People also want to know if that is actually my dog or just a stock photo. Well, here's the scoop:
Yes, that is my dog. Her name is "Witashnah" which is a Native American word meaning "virgin" and which is also what she will always remain. My wife and I took her in as a puppy about 5 years ago. She had been - in true cartoon style - stuffed into a sack with the rest of her litter and thrown into a river. Luckily, the sack just happened to be found by a couple who - no joke - breed dogs for a living. So, not only were the pups taken very good care of, they were given all of their necessary shots.
A year later things were very busy for the wife and I. We were building a new house so we could finally get out of the city and we were both in career transistions. At last the house was built and we moved in. Soon after that we realized, in our frantic busy state, we had never taken the time to have Witashnah fixed. We realized this because she went into heat and started spotting our brand new white carpet with bright red...stuff. So, in a panic we quickly wrapped her hind end in a pair of boxer shorts. These immediately fell off and we had to opt for a white t-shirt large enough to tie around her waist.
It was also around this time that I was setting up the WarehouseLarry t-shirt store. I had made a lot of progress on the site design, but hadn't actually come up with any shirt designs...and then Witashnah came prancing into my office with her saggy little homemade diaper and - BAM! - inspiration hit. I snapped a picture and 15 minutes later had the first shirt design done. As you can see, she even smiled for the camera.
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